Glass Bauble, about 1899

Glass Bauble, about 1899

Museum ID: WNDRB : 2016.42.1

This bauble once hung on a Christmas tree in St. George’s Hall, Windsor Castle. It was given to a local girl, Mabel Biles by Queen Victoria during a sumptuous Christmas tea at the castle. Presents were given to all the children attending the tea, and Mabel was given a toy cart and mule but could not take her eyes off a glass bauble at the top of the tree. After being asked by the Queen if she liked her present, Mabel bravely admitted that she would rather have the bauble and Queen Victoria, amused by the little girl's brave comment and facination with the bauble, she had it removed from the tree and gave it to Mabel. Glass decorations were expensive and so Mabel felt very honoured to be given it as a gift. The bauble and other items to do with Mabel's visit to the castle were given to the museum in 2016.

Measurements: 110 x 110


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