Evacuee suitcase, about 1940.
In 1939, at the beginning of World War 2, children in London and other major cities were evacuated to the countryside or to small towns like Windsor. Children were only allowed to take a few items with them on their journey and small affordable cardboard suit cases like this were popular.
Toy doll, about 1950
Baby doll toy, made of moulded plastic, with cream frilled silk shirt, blue velvet trousers, cream knitted underwear. Made in DDR, Germany. possibly 1940/50's. Part of a collection of objects given by family who had formerly lived in Arthur Road, Windsor
Glass Bauble, about 1899
This bauble once hung on a Christmas tree in St. George’s Hall, Windsor Castle. It was given to a local girl, Mabel Biles by Queen Victoria during a sumptuous Christmas tea at the castle. Presents were given to all the children attending the tea, and Mabel was given a toy cart and mule but could not take her eyes off a glass bauble at the top of the tree. After being asked by the Queen if she li
Toy, Hawker Hurricane MK II C aeroplane, 1972-1975
A painted metal toy Hawker Hurricane MK II C aeroplane made by Dinky Toys, propeller blades and guns and cockpit cover are missing, dated 1972 - 1975. Sidney. This is the 1/72 scale. These were released by Dinky to coincide with the release of the file 'the Battle of Britain' in 1972 other planes that featured in the film were also made until 1975. The Hawker Hurricane Aircraft was designed by Sir
Plane spotters notebook, 1939-1945.
An old school exercise book used as a Spotter's Notebook during World War 2, containing identification silhouettes of many planes and some photos, newspaper cartoons.
Ascot – The New Racing Game, circa 1900-1910
These horse and jockey figures 'race' towards the box when the handle is turned. This may have been a game for older children. The game consists of a box containing 6 horses with jockeys on wires which has a mechanism that means a different horse wins each time when the handle is turned.
Punctuation book, about 1800
Titled 'Punctuation Made Easy For Children or the Stops Rendered Plain and Simple' - picture book with rhyming text to teach children the use of punctuation, published in early 1800's.
Commemorative mug, 1988
Celebrating the merger of the Royal Free School, Windsor and the Spital Schools in 1988. We also have other objects in the collection relating to these schools.
Christening gown, about 1900
A baby's christening gown or night gown, formerly belonging to the Nottage family of Eton Wick, probably made about 1900